Board of Directors 

The Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association, the Chairpersons of the Standing committees, the immediate Past-President of the Association, and two directors-at-large. Directors shall be elected by the members at their annual meeting.  Officers and Standing committee Chairpersons are elected for a one-year term of office and may serve longer if they are nominated and agree to serve again.  Directors at Large serve staggered terms of two years each.  Initially one Director at large will serve one year and the other for two years.

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the members and directors.  The immediate supervision of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the President.  It shall be the President’s duty to attend to the business of the Association and maintain strict supervision over all of its affairs and interests.  The President shall keep the Board of Directors fully advised about the affairs and conditions of the Association, and shall manage and operate the business of the Association pursuant to and in accordance with such policies as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Vice President
The Vice President shall act in the President’s absence or disability and shall have all powers, duties and responsibilities provided for the President when so acting, and shall perform such other duties as shall from time to time be imposed upon any Vice President by the President.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors and have charge of the minute books; shall have custody of the seal of the Association and affix such seal to any instrument requiring the same; sign with the President such instruments as require such signatures; attest the signature or certify the incumbency or signature of any officer of the Association; and perform such other duties as the President, or the Board of Directors may prescribe.  In the absence of the Secretary at any meeting, a Secretary pro tempore shall perform the duties.

The Treasurer shall keep the financial books and records of the Association.  The Treasurer shall make such reports as may be necessary to keep the President and the Board of Directors informed at all times as to the financial condition of the Association, and shall perform such other duties as the President, or the Board of Directors my prescribe.

Standing Committee Descriptions

Each of the committees detailed below needs a chairperson to serve on the Board and attend quarterly meetings; however, more than one person can serve on any of the committees detailed below.  Please contact a member of the FCA Board to express your interest in becoming more involved in your community.

Prepare welcome baskets and greet new residents, providing them with a new resident form to be completed and forwarded to the website administrator and individual responsible for putting together the resident directory.  Provide the Board of Directors with family change type information (i.e., new residents, condolence situations, family additions, etc.).  Relay potential resident needs for assistance to the Charity Guild as deemed necessary.

Organize and initialize social events for all members of the FCA as agreed upon by the Board of Directors.

Website Administrator – Serve as the liaison between the BOD and Standing Committee chairpersons in the dissemination of information to residents via the community website.  Ensure new resident logon requests are handled securely and timely to provide new residents access to the information on the community website.  Ensure those revising the directory are included when residents request changes to their resident profiles.
Resident Directory – Update the annual resident directory throughout the year as residents move in and out of the neighborhood.  Share information with the website administrator so that resident profiles may be created timely.  Submit final directory files to a local printing vendor and distribute directories to residents annually.

Chairperson – Over see the purchase and installation of new plants for the front entrance and maintain the beauty of the front entrance area. Irrigate and replace seasonal plantings as deemed necessary.
Co-chair – Assist the chairperson with the tasks identified above. Organize seasonal pine straw deliveries at discounted bulk pricing and oversee installation in common areas.  Assist with the annual graduation banner order and installation.

If any of these positions sound interesting to you, please volunteer to serve. We appreciate your involvement in our beautiful community!